Prekės ženklas

The elementary brand belongs to elementary, Inc., the company that guides and supports development of elementary products. These guidelines describe when and how the elementary brand should be used.

Company and Product Names

The word elementary is a trademark of elementary, Inc. to refer to the company itself. It is always lower-case, even when beginning sentences. It may also be used along with product names (i.e. “elementary OS”) to refer to a specific product of elementary, Inc.

The primary product of elementary, Inc. is elementary OS. For clarity, elementary OS should never be shortened to “elementary” or any abbreviation.

Prekės ženklai

elementary, Inc. claims two marks: the “e” logomark and the “elementary” logotype. Both are considered trademarks and represent elementary, Inc.

Abu turėtų būti naudojami turint omenyje šiuos dalykus:

elementary logotipo ženklas
Default logomark
Alternate elementary Logomark
Alternate logomark

The “e” logomark is to be used to refer to elementary, Inc., especially when a square ratio is required. It should be used at larger sizes and when alongside similarly-weighted logos. The thinner, alternate logomark may be used in smaller contexts or when the default logomark feels too heavy.

elementary logotipas

The “elementary” logotype is to be used when space allows to refer to elementary, Inc. It may also be used before a product name to refer to a specific product of elementary, Inc.

Logotipas turėtų būti visada naudojamas pagal šias gaires:


We employ the use of color combined with our name and marks to establish our brand. We use the following palette:

Braškė c6262e
Braškė 100 ff8c82
Braškė 300 ed5353
Braškė 500 c6262e
Braškė 700 a10705
Braškė 900 7a0000
Apelsinas f37329
Apelsinas 100 ffc27d
Apelsinas 300 ffa154
Apelsinas 500 f37329
Apelsinas 700 cc3b02
Apelsinas 900 a62100
Bananas f9c440
Bananas 100 fff394
Bananas 300 ffe16b
Bananas 500 f9c440
Bananas 700 d48e15
Bananas 900 ad5f00
Žalioji citrina 68b723
Žalioji citrina 100 d1ff82
Žalioji citrina 300 9bdb4d
Žalioji citrina 500 68b723
Žalioji citrina 700 3a9104
Žalioji citrina 900 206b00
Mint 28bca3
Mint 100 89ffdd
Mint 300 43d6b5
Mint 500 28bca3
Mint 700 0e9a83
Mint 900 007367
Šilauogė 3689e6
Šilauogė 100 8cd5ff
Šilauogė 300 64baff
Šilauogė 500 3689e6
Šilauogė 700 0d52bf
Šilauogė 900 002e99
Vynuogė a56de2
Vynuogė 100 e4c6fa
Vynuogė 300 cd9ef7
Vynuogė 500 a56de2
Vynuogė 700 7239b3
Vynuogė 900 452981
Bubblegum de3e80
Bubblegum 100 fe9ab8
Bubblegum 300 f4679d
Bubblegum 500 de3e80
Bubblegum 700 bc245d
Bubblegum 900 910e38
Latte cfa25e
Latte 100 efdfc4
Latte 300 e7c591
Latte 500 cfa25e
Latte 700 b6802e
Latte 900 804b00
Kakava 715344
Kakava 100 a3907c
Kakava 300 8a715e
Kakava 500 715344
Kakava 700 57392d
Kakava 900 3d211b
Sidabras abacae
Sidabras 100 fafafa
Sidabras 300 d4d4d4
Sidabras 500 abacae
Sidabras 700 7e8087
Sidabras 900 555761
Pilkai melsva 485a6c
Pilkai melsva 100 95a3ab
Pilkai melsva 300 667885
Pilkai melsva 500 485a6c
Pilkai melsva 700 273445
Pilkai melsva 900 0e141f
Juoda 333333
Juoda 100 666666
Juoda 300 4d4d4d
Juoda 500 333333
Juoda 700 1a1a1a
Juoda 900 000000


For web and print, we use Inter for headings and body copy. For code blocks, we use Roboto Mono.

Trečiosios šalys ir bendruomenė

We invite third-party developers creating products for elementary OS to adopt certain elements of the elementary brand for consistency:

  • Spalva
  • Šriftai
  • Balsas/tonas

Vis dėlto, tam, kad išvengtume painiavos naudotojų tarpe, mes apribojame elementary pavadinimo ir ženklų naudojimą:

  • You are encouraged to say that your app or service is “designed for elementary OS,” but do not use the elementary name or marks as part of the name of your company, application, product, or service—or in any logo you create.

  • Naudokite elementary pavadinimą tik norėdami nurodyti į elementary, Inc. ar šios kompanijos produktus (t.y. elementary OS).


Bendruomenės produktai (svetainės, fanų klubai ir t.t.) yra skatinami naudoti elementary bendruomenės logotipą:

elementary bendruomenės logotipas su spalvomis Juodos spalvos elementary bendruomenės logotipas

This helps establish the product as part of the overall community while reducing confusion that can arise from using the elementary, Inc. logomark.

Aparatinės įrangos platintojai

As long as our software carries the elementary branding, the experience must be consistent—whether the OS was downloaded from our website or pre-installed on a hardware product.

The software components of elementary OS may be modified and redistributed according to the open source terms of the software’s licensing; however, the above branding and trademarks may only be redistributed under one or more of the following conditions:

  1. The software remains substantially unchanged; including default apps, stylesheet and iconography, etc., or

  2. Software modifications are approved by elementary, Inc.

Drivers and hardware enablement are of course acceptable. We understand that distributor branding (i.e. default wallpapers) can be important for distributors, so these modifications will typically be approved. If in doubt, email [email protected] for clarification or direction.

If you’re unable or unwilling to follow the elementary, Inc. trademark redistribution terms, removing our trademarks from the OS is simple and straightforward:

  1. Modifikuokite DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION eilute, faile /etc/lsb-release norėdami pašalinti mūsų prekės ženklus.

  2. Pakeiskite piktogramas, kad tokiu būdu piktograma distributor-logo, kuri yra kataloge /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/ kiekvienu pateiktu dydžiu nebūtų rodoma operacinėje sistemoje.

  3. Remove or replace the packages plymouth-theme-elementary and plymouth-theme-elementary-text.

For more information about OEMs and hardware distributors, see our information for OEMs.


We do not authorize our branding (including our name or brand marks) to be used on third-party merchandise without explicit written approval.

Priedai ir daugiau informacijos

Atsisiųskite iš Github

Dėl tolimesnės informacijos, kas liečia elementary pavadinimo, prekės ženklų ir ženklodaros, prašome rašyti el. paštu [email protected].