Sjølv om me ikkje har strenge minstekrav for systemspesifikasjonar, så anbefalar me dei følgjande spesifikasjonane for den beste opplevinga:
You will also need a spare USB flash drive with at least 4 GB of storage for installation.
Follow the video above, or select the operating system you are currently using to view tailored installation instructions below.
Verify Your Download
Verifying your download is an important step: we generate a "checksum" for elementary OS images and recommend that you verify that your download matches that checksum before trying to install. This ensures that you've received the full, complete download and that it is not corrupted.
Assuming you downloaded elementary OS to your Windows Downloads folder, open the Command Prompt in Windows and run the following command:
CertUtil -hashfile Downloads\elementaryos-8.0-stable.20241122rc.iso sha256
It should produce the output:
SHA256 hash of Downloads\elementaryos-8.0-stable.20241122rc.iso:
If the checksum does not match, you may need to re-download your copy of elementary OS and ensure it completes downloading before re-verifying it.
Lag ein installasjonsdisk
To create an elementary OS install drive you'll need a USB flash drive that is at least 4 GB in capacity and an app called "Etcher".
Download Etcher

Open Etcher, then:
- Plug in your spare USB flash drive
- Select your downloaded .iso file using the "Select image" button
- Etcher should automatically detect your USB drive; if not, select the correct drive
- Click the "Flash!" button. It may take a moment to get started.
Once complete, continue to boot from the install drive.
Booting From the Install Drive
For å starta denne installasjonsprosessen, må du starta datamaskina frå installasjonsdisken.
- Om datamaskina di er påskrudd, byrjar du med å putte i installasjonsdisken og så starta maskina på nytt.
- Dei fleste maskinene vil la deg endra oppstartsmodus ved å trykka på ein spesiell knapp. Knappen er vanlegvis F12, men av og til Esc eller ein anna funksjonsknapp. Sjekk kva som står på skjermen din for å vera sikker på kva knapp som er rett.
- Press F12 (or the appropriate key) and select the install drive—usually "USB-HDD" or something containing the word "USB", but the wording may vary. If you choose the incorrect drive, your computer will likely continue to boot as normal. Just restart your computer and pick a different drive in that menu.
- Shortly after selecting the appropriate boot drive, you should be presented with the elementary OS splash screen. You may now follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through the rest of the process.
Verify Your Download
Verifying your download is an important step: we generate a "checksum" for elementary OS images and recommend that you verify that your download matches that checksum before trying to install. This ensures that you've received the full, complete download and that it is not corrupted.
Assuming you downloaded elementary OS to your macOS Downloads folder, open the Terminal app in macOS and run the following command:
shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/elementaryos-8.0-stable.20241122rc.iso
It should produce the output:
If the checksum does not match, you may need to re-download your copy of elementary OS and ensure it completes downloading before re-verifying it.
Lag ein installasjonsdisk
To create an elementary OS install drive you'll need a USB flash drive that is at least 4 GB in capacity and an app called "Etcher".
Download Etcher

Open Etcher, then:
- Plug in your spare USB flash drive
- Select your downloaded .iso file using the "Select image" button
- Etcher should automatically detect your USB drive; if not, select the correct drive
- Click the "Flash!" button. It may take a moment to get started.
Once complete, continue to boot from the install drive.
The following dialog may appear during the flashing process, it is safe to ignore.

Booting From the Install Drive
For å starta denne installasjonsprosessen, må du starta datamaskina frå installasjonsdisken.
- Om datamaskina di er påskrudd, byrjar du med å putte i installasjonsdisken og så starta maskina på nytt.
- After you hear the chime, press and hold Option. Then, select the appropriate boot drive. Note that it may be incorrectly identified as "Windows", but this is normal.
- Shortly after selecting the appropriate boot drive, you should be presented with the elementary OS splash screen. You may now follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through the rest of the process.
Boot Errors
If your Mac doesn't recognize your elementary OS USB Install Drive in the boot menu, you may need to create an elementary OS Install DVD instead. To create one, insert a blank DVD, right click on the ISO file in Finder, and select "Burn elementaryos-8.0-stable.20241122rc.iso to Disc". When complete, attempt to boot again from the Install DVD.
Verify Your Download
Verifying your download is an important step: we generate a "checksum" for elementary OS images and recommend that you verify that your download matches that checksum before trying to install. This ensures that you've received the full, complete download and that it is not corrupted.
Running the following command in your terminal:
sha256sum elementaryos-8.0-stable.20241122rc.iso
It should produce the output:
Lag ein installasjonsdisk
To create an elementary OS install drive you'll need a USB flash drive that is at least 4 GB in capacity and an app called "Etcher".
Download Etcher

Open Etcher, then:
- Plug in your spare USB flash drive
- Select your downloaded .iso file using the "Select image" button
- Etcher should automatically detect your USB drive; if not, select the correct drive
- Click the "Flash!" button. It may take a moment to get started.
Once complete, continue to boot from the install drive.
Booting From the Install Drive
For å starta denne installasjonsprosessen, må du starta datamaskina frå installasjonsdisken.
- Om datamaskina di er påskrudd, byrjar du med å putte i installasjonsdisken og så starta maskina på nytt.
- Dei fleste maskinene vil la deg endra oppstartsmodus ved å trykka på ein spesiell knapp. Knappen er vanlegvis F12, men av og til Esc eller ein anna funksjonsknapp. Sjekk kva som står på skjermen din for å vera sikker på kva knapp som er rett.
- Press F12 (or the appropriate key) and select the install drive—usually "USB-HDD" or something containing the word "USB", but the wording may vary. If you choose the incorrect drive, your computer will likely continue to boot as normal. Just restart your computer and pick a different drive in that menu.
- Shortly after selecting the appropriate boot drive, you should be presented with the elementary OS splash screen. You may now follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through the rest of the process.