
Wir lieben es mit der Presse zu arbeiten - sowohl innerhalb der Linux-Welt, als auch in den größeren Technik- und Kulturkreisen - um unsere Geschichte, und das, woran wir arbeiten, zu teilen.

In the Press

“elementary OS is different… a beautiful and powerful operating system.”
“Gets out of the way and lets you focus on what you need to get done.”
“I've found myself more productive these past two weeks [using elementary OS] than in the last two months combined.”
“A fast, low-maintenance platform that can be installed virtually anywhere.”
“Lightweight and fast… and has a real flair for design and appearances.”
“The best way to try elementary [OS] is to install it, and since the install wizard is beautifully simple… that’s fairly easy to do.”
“Ethical and capable replacement for traditional systems such as Windows and macOS… easy to use and customizable to accommodate various workflows.”

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elementary OS 7.1

Made with care with you in mind. OS 7.1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features

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